by Aug 11, 2009Uncategorized

You folks made me a big*** sign that can be seen from 3 freeways.
Tami, Tami’s Tender Touch Pet Grooming

One of the most common questions we are asked is what size should I make a sign, banner, or letters for my business? Well, we can make things just about any size. There are many variables to consider that will help you get the best possible business visibility for the location. Here is a short list to get you started.

Who is your audience? Drive by traffic, walking traffic, or a combination of both? At what distance will people be viewing your message?

Are there regulations you must adhere to? The location of your business i.e. strip mall, property manager, and/or city may have sign guidelines and codes you have to comply with. Most property managers include this information in your lease or will let you know what you can and can’t have. All cities and counties have sign criteria which varies widely. Some of this information can be found online, but we can help you figure out exactly what is allowable. Better to know this before having any type of signage designed and fabricated to be safe.

How big should the lettering be? We recommend answering the first two questions before considering this. If the letters are part of an overall banner, sign, or vehicle graphic, then letting us create a design that works within an established size criteria is much better than trying to determine what size they should be. Think about your most important part of the message and we willing corporate that into your overall design. A general rule of thumb is a letter is a wide as it is tall so quite often you will have to limit the amount of words. We like the KISS rule to design, Keep It Simple Stupid, so your message will be concise and the design can make it pop and sizzle. Individual letters on a building can be determined with an onsite evaluation done by us. We will then create an overall design for your business location with concept art to scale. This is the best way to see how it will look prior to fabrication and installation.

Go here to download our FREE Visibility Chart (top right hand side of the home page) for more guidelines on how to determine the best size and color combinations. We will discuss color combinations that work for signage in a future issue. In the mean time, feel free to call or e-mail with any questions or comments you have about determining the size you should use for a sign project you are considering.

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