ADA Signs
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CATEGORY: ADA Signs, Signs
TAGS: ADA signs, Braille signs, signs
The term “ADA Signs” has come into common use in the architectural, construction and signage industries with the advent of the Americans With Disabilities Act, or ADA. The Americans with Disabilities Act regulates accessibility; and includes requirements for signage that is conveniently located and easy to read both visually and through tactile touch.
“ADA Signs” are sometimes misunderstood as being synonymous with braille signs. Signs with braille and raised characters are the most visible manifestation of the law requiring access to the built environment, but the sign standards in the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (or ADAAG) require much more than just braille and raised characters on some signs. In general, almost every sign that would be considered an “architectural” sign must comply with one or another of the ADA Guidelines.
If a sign identifies a permanent room or space of a facility (including exits), directs or informs about functional spaces of the facility, or identifies, directs to, or informs about accessible features of the facility, it must comply. Signs for advertising and marketing purposes, temporary signs, company logos and names are examples of signs or sections of signs that do not have to comply.